澳门葡京网赌游戏在ASCO 2024上进一步雄心勃勃地改变早期肺癌的结局,并重新定义转移性乳腺癌的治疗

LAURA和ADRIATIC III期临床试验的背对背全体报告强化了Tagrisso和Imfinzi在早期肺癌治疗中的潜力

DESTINY-Breast06数据强调了Enhertu在早期hr阳性患者中的潜力, 低her2乳腺癌治疗, 以及更广泛的人群,包括her2超低者

AstraZeneca advances its ambition to redefine cancer care with new data across its industry-leading portfolio and pipeline at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, 2024年5月31日至6月4日.

超过100份摘要将包括25种已批准和潜在的新药,涵盖公司多样化的肿瘤产品组合和管道, 包括两次迟到的全体会议报告, 一个特别的最新摘要会议报告和15个口头报告. 亮点包括:

  • LAURA 三期临床试验 Tagrisso (奥西替尼)不可切除, III期表皮生长因子受体突变(EGFRm)非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)放化疗(CRT)后(全会LBA4).
  • ADRIATIC 三期临床试验 Imfinzi (durvalumab)用于同步CRT (cCRT)后未进展的有限期小细胞肺癌(LS-SCLC)患者(全会LBA5).
  • DESTINY-Breast06 三期临床试验 Enhertu (trastuzumab deruxtecan) in patients with metastatic hormone receptor (HR)-positive HER2-low and HER2-ultralow metastatic breast cancer following one or more lines of endocrine therapy (LBA1000).
  • C-CAR031的首次人体试验,由研究者发起, 一种新的靶向嵌合抗原受体T细胞(CAR-T)治疗的自体装甲Glypican 3 (GPC3), 在肝癌患者中. CAR-T基于AZD5851, 澳门葡京网赌游戏设计的一种新型细胞疗法.
  • 外部赞助的两个最新的演讲 I-SPY2.2 Phase II trial 新辅助datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd),单独或联合 Imfinzi,在乳腺癌患者中(LBA501和LBA509).

Dave Fredrickson, 执行副总裁, 肿瘤事业部, AstraZeneca, said: “Our plenary data at ASCO show the pioneering role of our medicines in curative-intent lung cancer treatment and highlight progress toward our continued ambition to have a medicine for more than half of all patients treated for lung cancer by 2030. 在劳拉试验中压倒性的疗效将增加广泛的证据 Tagrisso egfr突变的非小细胞肺癌, 亚得里亚海令人印象深刻的生存数据将显示出 Imfinzi 改变有限期小细胞肺癌的预后.”

Susan Galbraith,肿瘤学研究中心执行副总裁&D, AstraZeneca, said: “Data from our antibody drug conjugates at ASCO underscore the opportunity to replace traditional chemotherapy with these medicines for many patients as we expand their use to new populations. DESTINY-Breast06的结果将证明,该药物有潜力治疗范围更广的hr阳性转移性乳腺癌患者 Enhertu, 包括那些从未接受过her2定向治疗的her2超低表达患者. 澳门葡京赌博游戏也对I-SPY2感到兴奋.2 . datopotamab deruxtecan plus的疗效和耐受性数据 Imfinzi, 这将显示抗体药物偶联物与免疫疗法在早期治疗中的潜力.”


几场演讲将加强公司在将肺癌治疗转移到疾病早期阶段方面的进展. These include:

  • 最新的全体报告展示了LAURA III期临床试验的无进展生存期(PFS)结果 Tagrisso 不可切除的III期EGFRm非小细胞肺癌患者. In February, 高水平结果显示PFS获益具有统计学意义和高度临床意义 Tagrisso in this setting.
  • 亚得里亚海III期临床试验的总生存期(OS)和PFS结果 Imfinzi 在cCRT后未进展的LS-SCLC患者中. In April, 中期分析的高水平结果显示,有统计学意义和临床意义的OS和PFS获益 Imfinzi in this setting.
  • ADAURA III期临床试验分析的口头报告 Tagrisso 早期IB的辅助治疗, II和IIIA) NSCLC EGFRm, 评估循环肿瘤dna分子残留病预测疾病复发的潜力.
  • 一项来自爱琴海III期临床试验的探索性分析的快速口头陈述 Imfinzi可切除的早期(IIA-IIIB) NSCLC患者手术前后的基础治疗, 评估N2疾病患者(与受影响肺同侧或肺间淋巴结的肿瘤)的疗效.
  • COAST II期临床试验最新的OS、PFS和安全性结果的海报展示 Imfinzi 结合新的免疫疗法oleclumab, 抗cd73单克隆抗体, and monalizumab, 抗nkg2a单克隆抗体, in unresectable, Stage III NSCLC, 支持在该患者群体中进行的PACIFIC-9 III期试验.

在转移性肺癌中, 该公司将提交数据,强调其将抗体药物偶联物(adc)的益处扩展到更多患者的承诺. 海报展示将分享最新的安全性和有效性结果, 包括PD-L1的表达, from the TROPION-Lung02 Phase Ib trial of datopotamab deruxtecan plus pembrolizumab with or without platinum chemotherapy as 1st-line treatment for patients with advanced NSCLC without actionable genomic alterations. 这些数据建立在 之前提出 TROPION-Lung01 III期临床试验的结果证明了这种新型ADC治疗晚期疾病的潜力. Datopotamab deruxtecan联合免疫疗法正在多个III期试验中进一步探索, including AVANZAR, TROPION-Lung07和TROPION-Lung08.


一份最新的报告将展示DESTINY-Breast06 III期试验的疗效和安全性结果. In April高水平的结果显示 Enhertu 在hr阳性患者中,与标准治疗化疗相比,PFS有统计学意义和临床意义的改善, 低her2转移性乳腺癌. her2超低表达患者的PFS也有临床意义的改善.

口头报告将重点介绍DESTINY-Breast07 Ib/II期临床试验剂量扩展期的中期分析数据 Enhertu 单独或联合帕妥珠单抗作为her2阳性转移性乳腺癌的一线治疗. 这些方案正在DESTINY-Breast09 III期临床试验中进一步探索.

Additionally, 海报展示将分享DESTINY-Breast03 III期临床试验的最新OS和PFS结果 Enhertu 先前接受曲妥珠单抗和紫杉烷治疗的her2阳性转移性乳腺癌患者与曲妥珠单抗emtansine (T-DM1)的比较.

An oral presentation will feature patient-reported outcomes data from the TROPION-Breast01 三期临床试验 datopotamab deruxtecan in patients with inoperable or metastatic HR-positive, her2低或阴性乳腺癌以前接受过内分泌治疗和至少一种全身治疗. 之前提出 primary results from TROPION-Breast01 showed datopotamab deruxtecan demonstrated a statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in PFS versus investigator’s choice of chemotherapy.

来自外部赞助的I-SPY2的两个最新结果演示.II期试验将强调与新辅助datopotamab deruxtecan相关的病理完全缓解率, 单独的和结合的 Imfinzi乳腺癌亚型之间的差异.


一项由研究者发起的C-CAR031临床试验的安全性和初步疗效结果将在快速口头陈述中得到关注, 一种新的靶向嵌合抗原受体T细胞(CAR-T)治疗的自体装甲Glypican 3 (GPC3) that is being investigated for hepatocellular carcinoma. CAR-T基于AZD5851, a novel cell therapy designed by AstraZeneca using their transforming growth factor-beta receptor II (TGFβRII) dominant negative armouring platform and is manufactured by AbelZeta Pharmaceuticals Inc. C-CAR031是根据阿贝尔泽塔和澳门葡京网赌游戏的联合开发协议在中国开发的. AstraZeneca’s TGFβRII dominant negative armouring is designed to resist the immuno-suppressive tumour microenvironment and enhance the potential effectiveness of CAR-Ts in solid tumours.

快速摘要更新将包括AZD0901 I期试验的最新疗效数据, 针对克劳丁18的潜在一流ADC.2,它已显示出作为胃癌治疗靶点的希望. 第一批结果在ASCO全体系列2023上公布.

Additionally, 外部赞助的CAPRI II期试验的临床科学研讨会将分享ceralasertib的疗效和安全性结果, 共济失调毛细血管扩张和rad3相关(ATR)激酶抑制剂, plus Lynparza (奥拉帕尼)用于铂敏感复发的高级别浆液性卵巢癌患者.

科学界的合作对于改善患者的预后至关重要. 澳门葡京网赌游戏正在与第一三共株式会社合作开发和商业化 Enhertu 和datopotamab deruxtecan & Co., Inc. 在美国和加拿大)开发和商业化 Lynparza. AstraZeneca obtained full oncology rights to monalizumab from Innate Pharma in October 2018 through a co-development and commercialisation agreement initiated in 2015.

澳门葡京网赌游戏在ASCO 2024期间的主要报告

Lead Author

Abstract Title


Lung Cancers

Ramalingam, SS

Osimertinib (osi) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients (pts) with unresectable stage (stg) III epidermal growth factor receptor-mutated (EGFRm) NSCLC: Primary results of the phase 3 LAURA study.

Abstract #LBA4

Plenary Session

2 June 2024


Spigel, DR


亚得里亚海:durvalumab (D)作为有限期小细胞肺癌(LS-SCLC)患者的巩固治疗(tx).

Abstract #LBA5

Plenary Session

2 June 2024


John, T

Molecular residual disease (MRD) analysis from the ADAURA trial of adjuvant (adj) osimertinib in patients (pts) with resected EGFR‑mutated (EGFRm) stage IB–IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Abstract #8005


3 June 2024


Heymach, J

Outcomes with perioperative durvalumab (D) in pts with resectable NSCLC and baseline N2 lymph node involvement (N2 R-NSCLC): An exploratory subgroup analysis of AEGEAN.

Abstract #8011


2 June 2024


Aggarwal, C

COAST的最新结果, durvalumab (D)±oleclumab (O)或monalizumab (M)用于III期不可切除非小细胞肺癌(uNSCLC)患者的2期研究.

Abstract #8046

Poster Session

3 June 2024


Levy, BP

Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) plus pembrolizumab (pembro) with or without platinum chemotherapy (Pt-CT) as first-line (1L) therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (aNSCLC): Subgroup analysis from TROPION-Lung02.

Abstract #8617

Poster Session

3 June 2024


Janne, PA

Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd)在her2突变转移性非小细胞肺癌(mNSCLC)患者中的应用:DESTINY-Lung02最终分析结果.

Abstract #8543

Poster Session

3 June 2024


Sun, Y

Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in Chinese patients (pts) with advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Results from the phase 1/2 TROPION-PanTumor02 study.

Abstract #8548

Poster Session

3 June 2024


Lisberg, A

Intracranial efficacy of datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in patients (pts) with previously treated advanced/metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (a/m NSCLC) with actionable genomic alterations (AGA): Results from TROPION-Lung05.

Abstract #8593

Poster Session

3 June 2024


Sands, J

datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd)治疗药物相关性间质性肺疾病(ILD)住院患者分析.

Abstract #8623

Poster Session

3 June 2024


Breast Cancers

Curigliano, G

曲妥珠单抗德鲁西替康(T-DXd)对激素受体阳性(HR+)患者(pts)医生选择化疗(TPC)的影响, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-low or HER2-ultralow metastatic breast cancer (mBC) with prior endocrine therapy (ET): Primary results from DESTINY-Breast06 (DB-06).

Abstract #LBA1000


2 June 2024



Pernas, S

Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd)与化疗(CT)在先前治疗的不能手术或转移性激素受体阳性的患者, HER2阴性(HR+/HER2 -)乳腺癌(BC): TROPION-Breast01研究中患者报告的结果(PROs.

Abstract #1006


1 June 2024



Andre, F

DESTINY-Breast07: T-DXd单药治疗和T-DXd + pertuzumab治疗先前未治疗的HER2+ mBC患者的剂量扩大中期分析.

Abstract #1009


1 June 2024


Shatsky, RA

来自I-SPY2的结果:在新辅助治疗中,datopotamab deruxtecan (datto) + durvalumab (Durva)后的病理完全缓解率(pCR).2 trial.

Abstract #LBA501


3 June 2024


Meisel, J

新辅助datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato)后的病理完全缓解率(pCR):来自I-SPY2的结果.2 trial.

Abstract #LBA509


31 May 2024


Hamilton, EP

Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) vs trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) in patients (pts) with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (mBC): Updated survival results of DESTINY-Breast03.

Abstract #1025

Poster Session

2 June 2024



Zhang, Q

C-CAR031的I期研究, gpc3特异性TGFβRIIDN装甲自体CAR-T, 晚期肝细胞癌(HCC)患者.


Abstract #4019


3 June 2024


Xu, RH

摘要434420的更新:Claudin 18的一期临床试验.2特异性抗体-药物偶联物CMG901在晚期胃/胃食管结癌患者中的应用

Education Session

1 June 2024


Chan, SL

从EMERALD-1: A期开始按治疗期进行安全性分析, randomized, placebo-controlled study of transarterial chemoembolization with durvalumab with/without bevacizumab in participants with embolization-eligible unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma.

Abstract #4122

Poster Session

1 June 2024


Kelley, RK

T cell receptor and immune gene expression pharmacodynamics for durvalumab monotherapy and in combination with tremelimumab or bevacizumab in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (uHCC).

Abstract #4022

Poster Session

1 June 2024



Hamilton, A

雅典娜:AZD5851的1/2期研究, 一种靶向GPC3的嵌合抗原受体(CAR) t细胞疗法用于晚期/复发性肝细胞癌(HCC)成年患者.

Abstract #TPS2675

Poster Session

1 June 2024


Shen, L


Abstract #TPS4182

Poster Session

1 June 2024


Zhou, J

gemini -肝胆:一项针对晚期肝胆癌患者的新型一线免疫肿瘤学治疗的2期研究.

Abstract #TPS4187

Poster Session

1 June 2024



Simpkins, F

联合ATR和PARP抑制剂(CAPRI): ceralasertib联合奥拉帕尼治疗复发性前列腺癌患者的2期研究, 铂敏感上皮性卵巢癌(队列A).

Abstract #5510


1 June 2024



Raufi, AG

CLARITY-PanTumor01: claudin 18的2期临床试验.2特异性抗体-药物偶联物AZD0901 (CMG901)在CLDN18患者中的应用.表达2的晚期实体瘤.

Abstract #TPS3163

Poster Session

1 June 2024



Punekar, SR


An open-label, phase 1, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and preliminary anti-tumor activity of NT‑112 in human leukocyte antigen-C*08:02–positive adult patients with unresectable, advanced, 和/或KRAS G12D突变阳性的转移性实体瘤.

Abstract #TPS2677

Poster Session

1 June 2024



Spira, AI

PRIMROSE: AZD3470的模块化1/2a期研究, 与mta合作的PRMT5抑制剂, 在MTAP缺乏的晚期实体瘤患者中.

摘要# TPS3179e

Poster Session

1 June 2024


Perez, A

NT-175的非临床评价, 一种自体T细胞产品,用于表达靶向TP53 R175H的HLA-A*02:01限制性TCR,并抵抗TGF-b抑制.

Abstract #2560

Poster Session

1 June 2024



澳门葡京网赌游戏正在引领肿瘤学领域的一场革命,致力于为各种形式的癌症提供治疗, 跟随科学去了解癌症及其所有的复杂性, 开发并向患者提供改变生活的药物.

该公司专注于一些最具挑战性的癌症. 正是通过持续的创新,澳门葡京网赌游戏建立了行业中最多样化的产品组合和管道之一, 有可能催化医学实践的变化,改变病人的体验.

澳门葡京网赌游戏的愿景是重新定义癌症治疗和, one day, 消除癌症作为死亡原因.

澳门葡京网赌游戏(LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN)是一家全球性制药公司, 以科学为主导的澳门葡京赌博游戏公司,专注于发现, development, 以及肿瘤学处方药的商业化, Rare Diseases, 和澳门葡京赌博游戏, 包括心血管, Renal & 新陈代谢和呼吸 & Immunology. 总部设在剑桥, UK, 澳门葡京网赌游戏在100多个国家开展业务,其创新药物被全球数百万患者使用. Please visit ospifse.net 并在社交媒体上关注公司 @AstraZeneca.

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