Targeting the genetic drivers of disease with nucleotide-based therapeutics


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以核苷酸为基础的治疗提供了巨大的潜力,可以以以前不可能的方式特异性调节细胞通路. 这些疗法包括所有基于核酸的方法,这些方法在细胞内起作用,影响基因表达——疾病的遗传蓝图——最终改变蛋白质表达,并可能改变疾病的进程.1

核苷酸是构成核酸的基本结构单位,如DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)和RNA(核糖核酸)。. 有时, nucleotide-based therapeutics are called nucleic acid therapies or therapeutic nucleic acids, 出于这个原因.



A major advantage of nucleic acid-based therapies is they can modulate expression of disease-causing genes, 哪些可能有潜在的治疗益处. 通过瞄准疾病的潜在遗传驱动因素, 核酸疗法提供了实现持久治疗的潜力,同时支持精准医学方法.1



反义寡核苷酸(ASOs)很短, 合成, chemically modified chains of nucleotides that have the potential to target any gene product of interest.2, 3 ASOs是单链RNA分子,由于其作用,为治疗干预提供了新的机会 内部 细胞影响蛋白质的产生.4, 5 一旦进入, ASOs与靶mRNA或mRNA前体具有高特异性结合, 诱导其降解——有效地使其沉默——以防止其转化为有害的蛋白质产物. They are a promising approach for the treatment of genetic drivers of disease.

We are currently working to further our precision medicine approaches in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), 是导致慢性肝病的主要原因. NASH occurs when fat builds up in the liver, leading to inflammation and cell damage. 这种复杂的疾病有许多驱动因素, 包括强大的遗传因素, 哪些已经在 国际肝病杂志.6 使用组学技术的最新研究, 比如大规模基因组学, 能够识别新的致病基因变异;


一个单核苷酸取代 PNPLA3 gene results in a mutation that impairs the breakdown of fat in liver cells which raises the risk of NASH.

Through collaboration with the biotechnology company Ionis制药 and the University of 哥德堡, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在开发一种ASO,可以针对肝细胞“沉默” PNPLA3 目的是恢复肝脏中分解的脂肪. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的临床前研究显示,针对PNPLA3的ASO治疗可以减少肝细胞中的脂肪堆积.7


虽然一些基因突变是有害的,但其他的可能是保护性的. 例如,一个核苷酸取代 HSD17B13 对NASH和脂肪肝(FLD)有保护作用.8, 9

还有Ionis制药公司, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在研究ASOs如何模拟HSD17B13基因中功能丧失突变的保护作用.

小干扰RNA (siRNA)

类似于aso, 小干扰RNA (siRNA)是在细胞内调节基因表达以防止疾病相关蛋白产生的核酸. However, siRNA are double-stranded RNA molecules whereas ASOs are single-stranded.10-12

通过内部开发技术和与沉默疗法等生物技术公司的外部合作的平衡方法, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在确定和推进基于肝脏的靶点, as well as developing new delivery approaches for targeting other tissues such as the heart, 肺和肾. Targeted siRNA delivery to these other tissues represents a new opportunity to treat cardiovascular, 肾, 代谢和呼吸系统疾病.

信使RNA (mRNA)

信使RNA (mRNA)是细胞构建蛋白质的蓝图. 它是一种单链RNA分子,编码DNA的遗传信息,将其翻译成功能性蛋白质分子.

mRNA is a compelling therapeutic modality because of its ability to drive high-efficiency, 存在剂量依赖的相关性, protein expression which represents a unique approach for regulating aberrant or absent protein function. 结合最先进的药物输送系统,比如 脂质纳米颗粒(LNPs), they offer opportunities for the delivery of a wide range of next generation medicines to patients.12

自我扩增RNA (saRNA)

自我扩增RNA (saRNA)是一种新的平台,它使用与mRNA类似的技术,但增加了自我扩增的能力, 所以蛋白质产生的时间更长, 导致每次剂量的蛋白质含量更高.



脂质纳米颗粒(LNPs)) 基于核苷酸的治疗药物的细胞内递送是否有希望和创新的载体用于细胞内蛋白质治疗药物的生产. They have a successful track record of delivering nucleic acids and are an advanced approach for mRNA delivery.14,15 例如, we have shown that LNPs can deliver mRNA into cells to initiate cellular protein production after intravenous, 皮下和肺部给药. 现在, we are focusing our research on enhancing the efficacy and safety profile of this drug delivery system.

寡核苷酸轭合物 能够靶向特定的细胞和组织. 没有结合, 细胞中寡核苷酸的摄取是有限的,并且仍然是扩大这种治疗方式范围的障碍. 使用链接器, we can perform novel conjugation chemistry to attach different drug modalities – small molecules, 肽, 抗体, 等-引导寡核苷酸到感兴趣的组织.15,16 以肝脏为靶点, the state-of-the-art targeting ligand is the N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc), which binds a receptor that is highly expressed on hepatocytes in the liver. GalNac偶联导致肝脏中特异性mrna的强靶向性和随后的下调或失活.16,17 充分发挥寡核苷酸疗法的潜力, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在探索通过利用特定的细胞表面受体来促进靶细胞的吸收,从而将配体靶向到其他细胞类型. If we can achieve effective targeted delivery of oligonucleotides to specific cells and tissue, 澳门葡京赌博游戏可以扩大可用药目标空间, be able to treat diseases in a better way and ultimately make an impact on patients’ lives.


开发有效的aso和其他基于核苷酸的治疗方法, 澳门葡京赌博游戏需要能够可视化它们在细胞内的分布. 透射电子显微镜是一种很好的方法, where a beam of electrons is transmitted through a specimen to form an image. 纳米级二次离子质谱(nanoSIMs), we can accurately measure drug uptake to better capture pharmokinetic information at the subcellular level.


Accelerating nucleotide-based therapeutic development through collaborations


近十年来,澳门葡京赌博游戏一直与 Ionis制药 to discover and develop nucleotide-based therapeutics across numerous disease areas, 包括心血管, 肾, 代谢与肿瘤学. This strategic collaboration aims to ultimately get RNA-targeted treatments to the patients who need them most.


澳门葡京赌博游戏正在与 RNA治疗研究所, an academic department at UMass Chan Medical School to optimise antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs). The RNA治疗研究所 faculty are recognised as scientific trailblazers, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在和乔纳森·沃茨合作, 他是RNA治疗研究所的教授,在寡核苷酸和药物开发方面拥有丰富的经验.


与…合作 沉默疗法, we are advancing our siRNA drug discovery efforts to address unmet medical needs in cardiovascular, 肾, 代谢(CVRM)和呼吸系统疾病.


VaxEquity, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在努力优化saRNA,以针对澳门葡京赌博游戏感兴趣的治疗领域中不适合传统药物发现的新途径. 这一合作为澳门葡京赌博游戏的药物发现工具箱增加了一个有前景的新平台,有可能实现疫苗和各种其他治疗应用.


Mutations in RNA genes may dysregulate biological pathways that contribute to numerous diseases, 包括心力衰竭并保留射血分数(HFpEF). 与 警卫室生物, 利用其ai驱动的Code-Breaker™平台, 旨在识别新的小RNA突变, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在缩小RNA形态之间的差距, AI, and disease biology with the shared goal of developing RNA-based treatments in heart failure.


澳门葡京赌博游戏欢迎, talented scientists to join us on what promises to be one of the most exciting, 21世纪医学的刺激和有益之旅. We are uniquely positioned to develop cutting-edge nucleotide-based therapeutics, 澳门葡京赌博游戏已经在开发针对特定细胞和组织的差异化管道,以实现基于核苷酸的治疗的全部潜力. By giving our people the resources and support to push the boundaries of science, we are going beyond the ordinary to help improve billions of lives worldwide.

澳门葡京赌博游戏招募具有相关专业知识的科学家加入澳门葡京赌博游戏在哥德堡新建的最先进的研究设施, 瑞典, 剑桥, UK, 和盖, US. 澳门葡京赌博游戏澳门葡京赌博游戏的进步感到自豪, 为未来的挑战做好准备, 并且确信, 在未来的5到10年, aso和基于rna的疗法将有助于改善当今一些最严重和限制生命的疾病患者的前景.


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